Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

It seems that every year I hear a sermon that involves a play on the word Good associated with this darkest day of the Christian year. But this year, for me, this has been a good day.

Today, on what was to be my last day in the office, I was asked to take a job in another group. It's the kind of opportunity I've wanted for quite some time and it appeared suddenly, right as things were at their end. Appropriate for a day of darkness that looks forward to the light.

I've come to accept that my life is so filled with grace, unexpected and undeserved. There have been times on this difficult journey into honesty and integrity that I've felt guilty because I have suffered so little. My family, my friends, my ex-wife, all have been gracious and loving and supportive in ways I never imagined.

When life is at its darkest, I've learned to wait for the light. It doesn't always come from the direction I'm looking, nor does it always illuminate what I expect. But where I was blind, now I see.


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